As our latest animated explainer video shows, Taskize’s Mailbox Analyser measures email usage – and its inherent stress on budget, workflows and resources – in the post-trade issue resolution process. 

As our latest animated explainer video shows, Taskize’s Mailbox Analyser measures email usage – and its inherent stress on budget, workflows and resources – in the post-trade issue resolution process. 

This “new analytics tool provides new datapoints on activity and service levels, staff resourcing and performance”, explains Global Custodian. 

Using the email integration and MI Reporting engine within the Taskize collaboration and workflow platform, the Mailbox Analyser seamlessly and securely monitors email traffic of a firms’ domains and/or distribution lists before automatically generating analytics on: 

  • Activity and service levels 
  • Resolution times and ratios 
  • Staff resourcing and performance 
  • Team comparisons 
  • Query types and trends 

Armed with this data, a financial institution would be able to: 

  • Properly allocate resource and headcount – both worldwide and regionally 
  • Increase client satisfaction – and thus client retention 
  • Create a more robust and compliant communication and workflow process 

Kishan Bharwad, Head of Product at Taskize, adds: 

“The Taskize Mailbox Analyser is an important extension of the capabilities of our platform, coming in direct response to burgeoning demand from firms with little to no insight into the workflow efficiency of their email-based problem resolution processes. Once bottlenecks and inefficiencies are identified, it is much easier to prescribe effective solutions.” 

Download the fact sheet for more details, and view our full set of product videos on YouTube. 

Download Fact Sheet