In our latest bite-size demo video, we dive into the seamless experience of cross-channel collaboration using Taskize – allowing you to stay in your platform of choice, no matter which channels your clients or counterparties prefer to communicate through.  


This one-minute overview showcases how you can create a single consolidated digital audit trail of all interactions between clients and counterparties across various platforms using Taskize.  

The key benefits of using Taskize demonstrated in this video: 

No change to existing workflows: Clients and counterparties can send inquiries from their preferred platform, such as email, without having to adapt to a new system – this means zero disruption to your current processes. 

Smart routing: Taskize’s intelligent routing system ensures that inquiries are automatically directed to the appropriate team – this reduces the time spent on manual assignments and improves efficiency. 

Platform flexibility: Whether you respond in Taskize or through another channel, your clients and counterparties will receive replies in their platform of choice.  

Cross-channel collaboration: Taskize allows seamless integration and communication across various platforms like email, Microsoft Teams, Symphony, and more. 

Taskize and Symphony integration: When inquiries come in, Taskize automatically creates Symphony chat rooms with all the necessary details. This integration enables real-time collaboration – cross-company and internally – between Symphony and Taskize users. As a result, all parties benefit from the Taskize platform’s workflow, routing and business intelligence capabilities. 

Increased transparency: All parties have real-time access to the same information, regardless of the platform, which fosters better communication, quicker resolution of issues, and a more cohesive workflow.